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Meet in Galilee / July 24th and 25th, 2022

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2022 - July 24th, 25th, let's discover 

Marc Minkowski & Les Musiciens du Louvre


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Martine Dassault had done us the great honor of being part of the honorary committee from the start of Meet in Galilee.
The opening night of the festival on July 24th will be in her honor.
Indeed, Martine embodied the spirit of the women of the Marriage of Figaro, whether the Countess or Suzanna, who compete with her for finesse and sens of humor.

Le Nozze di Figaro - July 24th


In Seville Cherubino is fifteen years old. He is already a seducer whose "all women make his heart beat" Around Cherubino: the abandoned Countess, her husband Count Almaviva, jealous and fickle, Suzanne, her desperate servant, Figaro, a rebellious valet about to marry Suzanne but had promised Marceline the wedding…

all the ingredients are gathered for a "Mad day". 

Don Giovanni - July 25th



In Seville, the seducer is now called Don Giovanni. 

After breaking into Donna Anna’s house (engaged to Don Ottavio), he wounded to death Anna’s father who came to surprise him.

Without any remorse, Don Giovanni goes to other preys.

« A Mad night » is coming up at the end which  Don Giovanni will face his fate.

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Meet In Galilee organizes the wonderful encounter between Mozart's musical work and the history of the region. 

Located north of Israel, Galilee, a mountainous region with green valleys, is, like many places in Israel, important for many peoples and religions.

In the course of history, Galilee was occupied by the Roman Empire, the Jewish people, Muslims and Christians. It is also the place where the Druze religion was born.

In this region lies, among others, Nazareth, birthplace of Jesus, but also the lake of Tiberias, where he walked on the water. Moreover, in the Middle Ages, during the crusades organized by the Church to liberate the Holy Land, St. John of Acre (Akko in Hebrew), became the main port of all Christian institutions in the Middle East. And it is in this city where our Opera Festival takes place!

A wonderful blend of historical and cultural discovery.

Au cours des époques, la Galilée fut habitée par l'Empire Romain, par le peuple juif, les musulmans, les chrétiens et c'est également le lieu où naquit la religion Druze, 
©Encyclopédie Larousse
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Our association

The raison d'être of Meet in Galilee is to create a space beyond all frontiers of whatever order, to break the preconceptions about the region, to make known Saint Jean d'Acre, land where the different communities know how to live together.


In this spirit, Meet in Galilee organizes every two years a festival of lyrical art coupled with an economic and / or scientific forum.

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Muriel Haïm

President, Founder

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Meet in Galilee


Friends of the Festival of Saint Jean d'Acre

President :

The Association aims to facilitate and support the creation, promotion, dissemination of opera presented in the Festival.

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